It’s been quite a roller coaster year for me. Professionally, I had the joy of working with wonderful clients and having my book, Taking Care of the People Who Matter Most, published. Personally, I’ve had to deal with much sadness – grieving for my father and my brother while helping take care of my mother who is terminally ill. The past few months have been increasingly difficult as my mother’s health continues to decline.
As a result, I didn’t have the emotional energy to send out any holiday cards to extended family, friends, clients, and colleagues. Interestingly, I didn’t receive the usual number of cards this year, and it’s not a matter of reciprocity as most of my friends and associates are aware of my family situation.
I did receive more e-greetings, however. One of the more interesting came from Justin Perkins at Care2, whose e-cards are environmentally friendly: “Care2 saves one square foot of rainforest each time you send a free e-Card.” (And I loved the holiday pledges shared by the Care2 staff in their e-Card).
So next year I may join the movement to send e-holiday greetings. I’m just not sure I’m ready to switch over to e-birthday cards yet as I find looking at Hallmark’s Shoebox cards and other funny cards a form of humor therapy. And these days I need all the laughs I can get.
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