As a frequent speaker on engaging employees and customers through internal marketing, I’m often asked for my recommendations on engagement resources. I’m happy to share several of my favorites here - including books, e-books, networks, and newsletters.
One of the best sources of information and ideas comes from the members of the Employee Engagement Network (EEN), founded and hosted by David Zinger. Under "Free EE Resources" on EEN's website you'll find a number of helpful e-books on “Engaging Questions“ … “Primers for Engaging Conversations” … “Employee Engagement Advice for Managers” … and the first in a series of 50-word case studies on engagement.
In addition, I highly recommend the following three books:
Re-Engage: How America’s Best Places to Work Inspire Extra Effort in Extraordinary Times by Leigh Branham and Mark Hirschfeld. This book draws on extensive data from the “Best Places to Work” research to identify and apply the drivers of employee engagement in today’s challenging times. You can sign up for Leigh Branham’s free quarterly newsletter, Keeping the People for more information and articles on employee engagement and retention.
The annual Zappos Culture Book describes what employee engagement at Zappos is all about as written by its employees.
The Art of Engagement: Briding the Gap Between People and Possibilities by Jim Haudan. This book provides a framework for connecting organizational strategy and execution based on the root causes of engagement and disengagement.
Enterprise Engagement
Enterprise engagement encompasses the need to engage everyone involved in a business: employees, customers, and channel partners. The Enterprise Engagement Alliance website features articles on this topic and a schedule of educational programs, including webinars and on-site programs.
I need to mention the Zappos Culture Book again here as it includes content reflective of Zappos’ engagement with its partners, vendors and customers.
Volunteer Engagement
While researching my new book on internal marketing for nonprofits, I found Energize, Inc., Susan Ellis’s website for leaders of volunteers, to be a tremendous resource. I also recommend her book, From the Top Down: The Executive Role in Successful Volunteer Involvement.
In addition, you can download a free copy of my e-book on volunteer engagement.
Your Turn
What engagement resources have you found helpful? I’d love your input on expanding this list.
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